‘Mexican Gothic’ by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a such a versatile writer, every book is written in a different genre, and yet she maintains the same rich character development, the same immersive scene-setting and the same lyrical storytelling. 

When Noemí Taboada receives a concerning letter from her recently married cousin, she sets off to find out what is going on.

“You must come for me, Noemí. You have to save me. I cannot save myself as much as I wish to, I am bound, threads like iron through my mind and my skin and it’s there. In the walls. It does not release its hold on me so I must ask you to spring me free, cut it from me, stop them now. For God’s sake…”

Catalina has always been a little dramatic but when Noemí arrives at the family home, High Place, she encounters a sinister and foreboding atmosphere, an oppressive patriarch (Catalina’s father-in-law) and her cousin reduced to a shadow of her former self.

Does Catalina need a psychiatrist or could there be some truth to the wild allegations she is making about her husband’s family and the nature of the house itself?

Shirley Jackson meets Jeff Vandermeer in this extremely sinister and disturbing gothic horror that will put you off eating mushrooms!

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